My perceptions of people. They could, or could not, be correct, but I guess that's not really up to you.
All right. Since this will most likely lead to something bad, I'll start with the bad.
M. D. - You were pissed about me and Erin, and you took it out on her even though it was my fault. There isn't really a need for an apology because, well, it wouldn't mean anything to me, but I know you know what you did wasn't right. Hey, I'm no saint, so I'll pay my debt to society somehow.
A.C. - Okay now. You get away with being a total bitch to everyone because it's how everyone has accepted you. I really do hate that about you, but I will admit that when we were friends, you were cool. I know whenever you hear anything about me, or anyone even mentions me, you say things like, "Ew." I know you don't like me, and I'm pretty damn sure you know I don't like you either. Yeah, we all fuck up, but messing up is different than being messed up. You're not a terrible person all the time, but the fact that this shit has been going on for 6 fucking years is driving me nuts. Get your head out of your ass.
A.R. - You stood up for your friend. You talked shit about my girlfriend right in front of me at someone else' party. Yeah, you apologized, but I really don't know if it was sincere. I mean, how could I? You got all involved in shit you knew nothing about, which is being a good friend, I'll admit, but stupid because you had no business in it. You were a good enough person to at least be cordial at Loftis' party, and I really do appreciate that. You still have some hope. Don't spend time with Dre anymore.
(As far as it goes, I really tried to not be a part of anything that happened between the three of you, and Erin and Morris. But, she's my girlfriend, and it was really hard for me to stand around and hear all of you bashing her for what I did.)
Wow. The three of you girls were probably the only people I really didn't like throughout my Senior year. Well, with the exception of me being on the fence about Allison.
Okay, Kim Loftis - I love you, kiddo. You're great. Just, really, stop with this Skylar kid. He may be cool, and nice. That's great. Be friends. JUST friends. Make sure he understands that. You have a good thing going, and I'd hate to see it ruined because of what he seems to be.
Jesus Quintana - You're a really good guy, man. I fucking love you to death. Yeah, you did something that wasn't right, and I know you meant no harm. I hope things go well for you because you deserve it. I really enjoy all our talks and spending two or three straight days with you. Haha. It's great. Be who you are. It would be stupid for you to act any other way.
Cameron Haygood - Dang, man. It's pretty crazy how we've all changed and grown over the years. I'm really sad that we didn't get to talk more and be closer because I really do want to be one of those friends that you'd remember forever. You're a great person, and I wish you all the best in all of your endeavors.
Zack Snyder - I miss the days when we would actually go out and do stuff. I rarely see you anymore, and that really bums me out. You're funny, and a lot of people don't appreciate your humor, but I like it. Haha. Get out more, Zack. Become more active. It'll do wonders for you. I can't really explain how, but it does. Just. Endorphins.
Yan Cutin - You're the best duck ever. Great smile, really cool hole in your chest, it's great. Haha. You're a good guy. Love having conversations with you because, well, there just aren't any other conversations like it. We will keep in touch in college because I need my dose of cynical Canadians to keep me regular. Haha.
Valeroonie Sabatino - You are an interesting one. Very mature for your age. You're awesome though. You're also very enlightening. I really love talking to you. You've helped me through a whole hell of a lot this year, and I'm forever grateful. We're going to record stuff this summer, for sure. My advice to you though: Make time to have fun. Do something for yourself. Don't grow up too fast, you have the rest of your life for that. Be the kid that I see wanting to break free. I know it will do wonders for your soul. Do exactly as you say. Dream Big.
Lisa Gray - You, missy, are a wonder. Yeah, everyone knows you as Ms. Perfect. Yes, Ms. because according to all women, there is no Mr. Perfect. Anyway, I love talking to you, and I love love love singing songs with you. There were times when we sang together that inspired me for weeks. I'm forever grateful. Don't stop talking to me when we all go off to college and you become the first woman president to fly to the moon by herself.
Taytor Jacobsen - You are one of the greatest friends in the history of ever. People may call you a douchebag, but I punch those people. You have always been there for me. Literally, always. You stopped me from killing myself numerous times, and you helped me through problems with Gigi, and Erin, and Maria, and all the other emotional turmoil I have. You know absolutely everything about me, and I have always trusted you. You're one of those people that will be in my heart forever.
Jonathan Harris - Flinn, we've known each other for six freaking years now, and it feels like I've known you forever. I know you can be stubborn, and think too much, and yeah, it's hard to talk to you when you're angry or upset, but I don't give a fuck. I love you, man. You've been there through thick and thin. We've seen each other at our worst, and I know I can count on you for anything. I hope you know that you can do the same with me. You're my brother, man.
Erin Reilly - You're stubborn, you nag me, you make me feel like shit, and you hurt me like no one else can. You make me feel like I can do anything, you comfort me, you guide me, you complete me. I'd be dead, or an asshole if I didn't have you. I fucked up big time, but for the better, I guess. Letting you go was the biggest mistake I ever made, but it was also the best for you. I'm just glad that we came to be again. I don't care if you don't believe that I'm happy. You just don't see it because that's all I've ever been with you. Happy.
Omar Goswami - You're an asshole. You posted shit about people. You used their names, and you said mean and hurtful things about them. You can be a douchebag, you know? You're writing about yourself in the second person. You bail on people, you're always late, you hurt people, and you don't look back sometimes. And, I hate how people don't see that about you. All they see is the good you do, and one side of you. I really wish that people understood that you suck at life, just like the rest of us. Then again, you can also be sweet, and gentle. You have natural talent that would make anyone happy to have, but you don't give yourself credit. You don't take credit for anything. You blame yourself, and you're way too hard on yourself. But, people know you care. They know that deep down, you're a good person, and they know that you have a strong sense of morals and values. Keep trying though. Someday, you'll be a good man, so long as you stay on the right path.
Wow, I've never really spoken to myself before. But, I guess those were just things I needed to come to grips with.
I meant all of this. Every single word. Now, hate me, love me, don't care about me, or be a part of the book I call my life. It's all up to you. This is just how I see it.