Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've had a bit of an epiphany, and it's going to make me seem and feel like a total douche, but I think I need to at least admit it.

I can't be attracted to people who are overweight, obese, or fat, as most people say. They can be as nice as Taytron, and I could love everything about them, but that kind of thing kind of tells me a lot about that person. Now, before I go on, I understand that some people are born like that, and they can't escape it. That, is something I feel bad about, but anyway, back to what I was saying. I'm pretty sure the reason why I can't be attracted to people who are heavy because, in my opinion, it shows me how well they take care of themselves and their bodies. How can I respect someone who doesn't want to respect themselves enough to be healthy? It really bothers me, to be honest. I don't hate fat people, or anything. I just can't find myself being attracted to them. I don't judge them, or view them differently, it's just they usually have poor eating and/or exercise habits. I can't be with someone who isn't, at least, remotely active. I need someone who can play around, and have fun without physical limitations during the simplest of physical tasks.

This blog wasn't very easy for me to write. To be honest, I felt very superficial for writing it. The only difference is that I have somewhat of a valid reason, and it's not shallow in nature. Then again, fat people are no different than skinny people, so why should I feel bad? I guess, I wouldn't like someone who's too skinny either.

Ultimately, I want someone who isn't hindered by poor choices in eating and exercising.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Re: Todays

How ironic.


Today, I decided that I will avoid fights as much as possible.