Sunday, September 21, 2008


Let's give this a shot, shall we? I'll make a list of people based on characteristics, and you figure out who they are.

1. We go on and off between being really close, and just acquaintances. But, I do love you. And, you can always talk to me. :]

2. Good God, woman. I love you. Haha. You're always there for me, even if that's a silent promise. You're really pretty too. Also, I enjoy seeing what you two have together. You're both close to me, and I love spending time with you, even if it kind of makes me a third wheel. :\ Haha.

3. I think you're pretty, and I have had a bad situation with you at Loftis' birthday. Haha.

4. I honestly thought I might have been growing apart from you, and seriously believed it for a while. But, I love you. No matter what. You'll always be close to me, big little sister.

5. Man, 7th grade. Yang's class. Look at how far we've come since then. You're undoubtedly one of my best friends, ever.

6. You helped me through so much in the past, and it seems that nothing goes your way. God knows, that I wish it could. I'd give you the world if I could. You totally deserve it.

7. People have mixed feelings about you. I don't have any problems with you, and I think you're quite fun to be around. Carl's Jr. Good times, good times. :]

8. Haha. I remember when I open-chested you in 8th grade. But, it's not funny how you kept growing, and I didn't. You're a great guy, and you're funny as hell. Haha.

9. You and I had our beef after 7th grade, but we seem to be cool now, even though we don't talk anymore. What's past is past, and I see that you and I have both grown. Well, you lost weight, so you've grown and shrunk? Haha.

10. It seems that you've become more and more of an introvert as the years went on. I miss the guy who used to go out and do stuff with everyone.

11. I could not ask for a better friend. I learn a lot from you, and I hope you learn as much as you can from me. You provide a great contrast to my personality. You're not my best friend. You're my brother.

12. "I'm going to finish this line with one thing. Vivid memories and feelings make me yearn for what I used to have."

13. Haha. You've grown so much since 7th grade, but at the same time, you didn't grow a lot. You're a lot of fun to be around, and you're fun to stay up with at sleepovers. :]

14. Sometimes, I don't like to be around you. Most of the time, you're fun. Haha. Although, there are way too many inside jokes that go on in your everyday conversations.

15. Gah. Big hole in your logic with that last one, doof. You can be fun, but I'm thinking he was right about you.

16. One day, someone will stand up and cuss you out for all of the shit you do. Still, I can't hate you. You can be fun as well.

17. We were really close, but I fear that we're drifting apart. and, I know it's my fault. :\

18. Dude, I'd suggest you move on. It seems as if you're only going to get hurt from this. I really hope you do move on, and soon.

19. You still provide so much insight from which I draw a better perspective and I make better decisions due to that. Thank you. So much. :]

20. You are a weird person. At times, it seems that all you think about is one thing. Then, you surprise me with all this deep meaning. Who knows? I guess that's just how you work.

21. From what I hear, you're pretty hard-headed. And from what I've experienced, you are.

22. You have a big head, and people tell me you're jealous of me and my friend. I don't have a problem with you though. I guess, it's just you.

23. I love you, little girl. Haha. You're a bunch of fun. Too bad you're not a TA again. :[

24. You Asian asshole. You're the greatest. Haha. :]

25. You surprise me in both good and bad ways. But, hey. You're always full of surprises, so I don't know why I'm still surprised.

26. You were so nice to me when you went to Oxford. I would have totally dated you, but I'd rather save the friendship. You're too cool to screw things up with.

27. You're a really interesting guy. Always open. Good stuff, mang.

28. Ah, you've changed so much. For the better, it seems. 7th grade, bitter enemies. But, I always thought you were pretty. Haha. Weird, huh? Well, it's a good thing now because you're prettier, and you're super nice. :] Keep in touch with me when we go off to college, yeah?

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