Sunday, March 29, 2009


I'm super shocked at myself. I've been so relaxed and feel like I've had my eyes opened somewhat. I feel like I'm starting to see things for what they are. To be honest, all these big problems that a lot of people seem to think they're going through aren't as big as they think. Maybe I'm making problems seem too small. I'm not exactly sure why I've been feeling this way lately.

But, to be honest, I feel different. Pain has new meaning to me. Problems are different. Even food tastes different. I feel like I'm changing. Maybe drifting? Who knows? Maybe there's a me that even I never knew was there. I'm Afraid yet curious as to what these feelings are.

All I need is some feedback. Should I explore these feelings, or should I play it safe and be who I understand myself to be?


Erin said...

You need it.
You know you do.

Omar said...

I don't think you're in much place to tell me that. You've got too much of a bias on your side.

Erin said...

Not really.
I know you want it.
And you need it more than anything right now. You know it, because obviously what you have right now isn't enough for you. Emotionally or otherwise.

Omar said...

You don't even know what it is, or what I was talking about. Well, fully, at least. I don't think apathy is something I want to be a part of my character.