Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm sweaty, out of breath, and I just want to lie down.

Too bad I've got a paper to write, lines to memorize, and another paper to start researching.

Anyway, I guess I'm kind of sad, but not super sad. Just a little bummed because of the last few days. It's okay though, nothing serious. I'm sure things will get better. It's just coincidence and bad timing. That's all, I guess.

On to what this is supposed to be about.

Gosh, I've missed running. I hate jogging, but running. Oh, man. That's where it's at. Out of breath after 400 meters, and having 1200 more to push through. I love trying to push how far I can go at a fast pace because when I slow down, I still have more to finish. It's like a challenge, but a little one that I can do over and over again. Each time, I get closer to not failing. It's my chance to make up for every race I lost, every set I died on, every time I skipped out on extra lifting and practice, and all the times I went to Carl's, Denny's, or In N' Out. I get to tell my fat stomach, "Fuck you," and take off like I never stopped running. Sure, it sucks being that tired, and out of shape, but what's the point of getting in shape, if you never get out of shape to begin with? I sprint at the end of each run, regardless of how tired I am. My form has gotten really shitty, but it's also changed for the better. Maybe, I can fix it, and be better than ever. Until then, I'm just going to keep running. Summer's coming up, and I'm not about to be fat and lazy this summer. I've got so much to do, and such little time. I need as much energy as possible. I guess, that's it for now. On to my paper and lines.

Oh, and Cal Poly, you better watch out. You might have a new sprinter next year.

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