Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sometimes, we all need a pick-me-up.
Sometimes, it comes from within us.

I realized something. I may suck at school, at life, and just about anything anyone can say about me. I will give you that. But, the day I die, something amazing will happen. Why? Because when something bad leaves this world, something just as bad will take its place. And, in my case, something amazing will happen. I've spent absurd amounts of time trying to make an impact on everyone. I've tried to be as good a person as I could.

So, whoever is going to take my place when I'm gone, I hope you find our job easier than I did. And, I'm sorry for what you're going to go through.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I love you. Always.
I do try to be here for you, even if I kind of absolutely suck at it. :\

I loveyou. <3