Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh, one last thought.

Please stop saying, "We've seen the lowest of the lows; we're at the highest of the highs."

I love you, but please don't say that to me. I'm not at the highest of anything. I'm happy for you, and you'll never know how great it is to see you doing so well and being happy. Really though, I can't stand being around you two. It makes me think too much, and I'd rather not. And, I know you ask if I'm okay, but I just say I am so you don't have to worry about anything. Truth be told, I'm not okay. And, I haven't been for a long time. But, for a while, I was happy. I really was.

Just do this for me, please? I'm having a hard enough time coping with all of my own problems. And, I'm not asking for your support this time. All I ask is that you don't ask me to spend time hanging out when it's just the two of you. Couples are terrible at making people feel included. I've discussed this too many times, and there isn't much debate to this, so please do this. It would help me so much.

I'm 90% sure you don't read this. Actually, I'm convinced that you don't read this. This was just for me to let something out, I guess. And again, don't take this as me being jealous, or mad because you're happy and things are good for you. You deserve it, and I mean that. I just don't want all the things that are right with your world to rub all the things that are wrong with mine in my face. Not excessively, at least.

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