Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prop 2

Okay, Prop 2. Humane rights for animals? You want my food to be able to exercise before it dies? You can go ahead and pay for my food if you like, but until then, go out, buy your own animals, and let them jazzercise. I'm not paying extra money so that the animals that I will sooner or later consume can be treated nicely. Why isn't there a proposition that would mandate that I need a desk in school that lets me move around freely? What if I want to be able to turn around, or lay down in my desk? That's impractical. Well, so is this proposition. Our economy is doing poorly as it is. Granted, 2015 is years away, but who's to say that a recession won't last that long? You never know what's going to happen. This proposition will sooner or later cause the increase in prices of our food and necessities, making it harder to live. I know that there are a lot of PETA supporters who vote "yes" for this proposition. You're all hypocrites. You want the ethical treatment of my food while your organization issued a work-order that informed it's employees to kill domesticated, orphan animals? Please. Get out of my face.

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