Monday, October 27, 2008

Rant, rant, rant.

Everyone needs a little love sometimes. I know I do. Ha. How pathetic. I feel very alone, sad, confused, worried, neglected, and fast. I say I feel fast because it seems that the days are flying by, and I accomplish absolutely nothing. I am doing nothing with my life and that is really starting to bother me. Everyone complains about all the "crap" they have to do and about how they have no time. I'd rather have that, instead of just sitting here dwindling my life away. Why is it that we feel the need to be wanted? Why do I want to be loved? Why do I ask so much of everyone? Why am I so curious? I haven't had an insightful thought in days. I'm gradually getting stupider, and it really bothers me. At the same time, that's the least of my worries. I keep worrying about how I'll do this upcoming season. I don't know if I'll even make it to season. I need something. I know what it is, but it's one of those few things that can't happen by my own doing. Silly, ain't it? I know that a few people love me, and I don't doubt that, but right now, I need some support. I need some of that love. I need comfort. It's just one of those days, weeks, or however long it will be, that I need comfort because I can't stand on my own. I'm going nowhere, and life's passing me by all the time.

I need a pick-me-up. A hug, a kiss, a pat on the back, a hand on the shoulder, and reassurance that things will get better soon.

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