Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The scariest night of my life.

For those of you who don't know what happened to me, last night, I was coming home at 11:45 from Erin's house, and I fell asleep at the wheel. I woke up to the sound of my car veering off the road, and I see a pole. I try to swerve out of the way, but alas, I'm too late. The front right end of the car hits the pole, and my car flips. I take the pole out of the ground, and my car lands with the roof-side down.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die," I thought. Then, a wave of instinct hits me. I don't recall any stupid show on how to survive car crashes, or any survival show at that. I just remember thinking, "I can't die, not tonight."

So, I unbuckle my seat belt, and try to open my door. No budge. I try to punch out the window, but it's too thick. So, I look around the car, and see that the impact from the crash was so hard that it blew out the entire back windshield. I crawled out of the back windshield, and stood up. I stood up. How, I don't know.

I stumbled away and surveyed the damage. My car is fucked. Paramedics, police, and some good Samaritans were there about five minutes after the crash. I get asked a bunch of questions, have a field sobriety test, and am given a blanket.

I can feel my body shaking. I'm coherent, I'm calm, and I know what's going on, but I'm shaking. My body was scared. My body. The policemen finally let me talk to my mom, and I tell her I'm okay, and that I love her. I ask to see Erin before I go, I tell her to give me a hug, and that I love her.

After that, I'm put in a neck brace, and placed on a stretcher. Until last night, I had never been in an ambulance. Not exactly the way I wanted to go. I get into an argument with one of the paramedics over the IV. I hate needles. Five minutes, and 3 inches of needle later, I'm at the hospital, and they yank the needle right out of my arm. When I'm pulled out of the ambulance, I'm immediately bombarded by questions which are easy to answer. Within the next twenty minutes, I'm given an ultrasound, have an X-Ray of my chest done, and I'm given a CT Scan. Then, they draw blood, screw up, and draw some more. Then, they cut up my favorite shirt, instead of just asking me to take it off. Fuckers. They make me pee in this tupperware type thing, and I think nothing of it. After, I'm hauled out of the room, and I get put in a visitors room. Mom comes in, things mellow out, and I stay up til 2. I crash, and wake up at 4, crash again, and wake up at 7.

Doctors have me eat food to see if my body responds well to it. No negative reactions. I'm okay. I flip my car over and almost die, but I walk out with just a few scratches? I've never seen a bigger miracle.

I went home after the most terrifying thing that's ever happened to me with just a few sore muscles, bruises, scratches, and glass shards.

I'll never understand how I made it out in once piece, much less alive.

I'm just glad to be here.

I realized something though. It's not how you think it would be. People say your whole life flashes before your eyes. It really doesn't. As for the crash, itself, I just remember seeing the pole, turning the wheel, and being thrown around my car violently. I almost don't believe it happened to me. It's almost unreal. I'll count my blessings though.

Someone up there saved my life last night. Whoever, or whatever, you are, thank you so much.


taylor said...

I've heard this story from a grip of different people with different shit each time. I'm absolutely both amazed and thankful that you're alive. We need to talk though I'm kind of concerned about something

Anonymous said...

Omar, I love you <3